Does closing all running applications solve the problem?
Close all currently running applications:
1) Close all applications that are currently open.
2) (Special case) If Microsoft Office is installed, turn off the Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar:
a) Click the Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar 'Control Menu' button.
b) Select 'Exit'.
3) (Special case) If Microsoft Office is installed, you may want to disable the Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar from loading each time Windows 98/Me starts:
a) Click 'Start' on the Windows taskbar. (The 'Start' menu appears.)
b) Select 'Find' and select 'Files or Folders...'. (The 'Find: All Files' dialog box appears.)
c) In the 'Named' box, type the following:
d) In the 'Look in' drop-down list box, select the hard drive containing the Windows folder.
e) Click 'Find Now'.
f) In the results window, double-click the 'StartUp' folder. (The 'StartUp' window appears.)
g) Select the 'Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar' icon.
h) Select the 'File' menu and select 'Delete'. (The 'Confirm File Delete' dialog box appears.)
i) Click 'Yes' to delete the 'Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar' icon.
j) Select the 'File' menu and select 'Close' to close the StartUp window.
Does closing all running applications solve the problem?